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Let’s plug those gaps

If you answered the quiz question right in the last section you will know by now that we lose 15% of heat through gaps in our homes where heat escapes.

Let’s quickly recap the other figures : 
  • 10% through windows
  • 15% through the floor
  • 25% through the roof
  • 35% through walls

For these reasons then its is important that we do our best to keep heat loss to a minimum. Let’s concentrate on what happens around the doors and windows, and under those skirting boards.

Having floor coverings in place will help as this is often combined with some sort of thermal underlay. Even a rug will help as this stops heat being lost through floorboards or cold being felt from concrete surfaces. Make sure you if you have difficulties with your mobility that there are no trips or slip hazards from floor coverings.

Most people have some form of window coverings such as curtains or blinds and it is important that we use them effectively to reduce heat loss. During the afternoon or evening, dependent upon the time of year and when the temperature starts to drop, it is important to cover that big glass surface up to avoid the cool air coming into the room and to try and avoid draughts escaping if there are any gaps around the windows.

As for the doors, again it is important to ensure any gaps around them are filled either with a roll that seals the spaces between the door and the frame or with an excluder like the ones pictured below.

You might consider doing some DIY, employing the services of a handy person or you could get in touch with us at DRC to look at referral roots to help with maintenance at home.

Whilst draught exclusion is important, it is essential in our homes that we ventilate them properly to avoid damp, mould and/condensation occurring. Let’s move on to the next module and look at why.

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