Below are some key Disability Facts and Figures; these help us to focus our projects and services
Disability Facts and Figures
- Disabled children are more likely to experience bullying at school
- In 2015/2016, the proportion of disabled people without any qualifications was nearly 3 times that of their non-disabled peers
- Disabled young people are twice as likely to be ‘not in education, employment or training (NEET)’
- Only 8% of employers report recruiting a disabled person in the past 12 months
- In 2015/2016, less than half of disabled adults were in employment compared to almost 80% of the non-disabled working age population
- Disabled people in Britain are likely to be paid less per hour than their non-disabled peers
Standard of Living
- Disabled people are more likely to be living in poverty than non-disabled people
- Disabled people over the age of 65 were twice as likely than non-disabled people to be living in food poverty
- There is a shortage of adequate housing for disabled people with less than 17% of councils having clear strategies to build disabled-friendly homes
Health and Care
- Disabled people are more likely to experience health inequalities and are likely to die younger
- Men with mental ill health are likely to die 20 years earlier and women 13 years earlier than their non-disabled peers
Justice and detention
- Disability hate crime in 2015/2016 increased by 54% although this could reflect better reporting processes
- Criminal Justice agencies do not always understand what forms a disability hate crime
Participation and Identity
- Disabled people are less likely to be in political office and public appointments
- Disabled people are more likely to face barriers using public transport affecting their independence
For more information on the above, please visit the following links: