Annual Reports
Joining Our Board
If you are a member of the Disability Resource Centre and would like to find out more about joining our Board of Directors, please contact:
Louise Mckiernan, Chief Executive and Company Secretary on 03030 40 20 40 or email
Alternatively, you can write to Louise at:
Disability Resource Centre
Information, Health and Wellbeing Centre
Unit 18, Ace Business Park
Mackadown Lane
Kitts Green
B33 0LD.
Becoming a Member
The Disability Resource Centre (DRC) operates a membership scheme for individuals and organisations.
Membership is open to individuals aged 16 years or over and any group, or organisation, which is run by a minimum of 80% of individuals with a disability. Our constitution does require that a minimum of 80% of our members class themselves as disabled or have a long term health condition.
Being a full member of DRC gives you the opportunity to become involved in the running of DRC, attend and vote at the Annual General Meeting and stand for election to the Board of Directors, after six months, either through being co-opted or being elected at the Annual General Meeting.
At present DRC does not charge for individual membership, however you can opt to contribute towards the cost of us undertaking our work.
How to Join
If you are interested in becoming a member you can obtain a pack by emailing or by calling 03030 40 20 40.
Please send your completed application form to Louise Mckiernan, Chief Executive and Company Secretary by email to
Alternatively, you can post your application to Louise at:
Disability Resource Centre
Information, Health and Wellbeing Centre
Unit 18, Ace Business Park
Mackadown Lane
Kitts Green
B33 0LD.