Yardley Neighbourhood Network Scheme (NNS)
TheĀ Neighbourhood Network Scheme (NNS) is a city-wide initiative funded by Birmingham City Council to promote health and wellbeing. The purpose of the scheme is to ensure that as many citizens as possible know what activities and groups are available in their local neighborhood and can access them
Disability Resource Centre is the lead facilitator in the Yardley Constituency and is working in partnership with Age UK Birmingham to oversee and coordinate the project. Both partners have a Community Development Worker based in the constituency who have been mapping the activities and services (Community Assets); identifying any gaps and supporting new or existing groups in developing activities or services that will help fill those gaps. As long as your purposes are charitable and non profitable, small grants are available to help local groups and activities.
The Community Development Workers also work closely with the Yardley Social Work teams to help link their clients up with relevant activities and services. /p>
If you would like to find out more about the Yardley Neighbourhood Network Scheme, including accessing support as a Yardley citizen, contact the team on YNNSGrants@disability.co.uk .
You can also follow us on social media here:
Twitter: @NNS_Yardley
Facebook: /YardleyNNS
Please click here for a large map of Yardley Constituency.
Here is a Community Calendar for Yardley:
… and here is a map detailing where the Community Assets in Yardley are based: